Getting Over Someone

Posted: January 31, 2011 in Sadness
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Getting over someone is such an easy concept in paper but such a feat in actuality. But some would debate that we are just so affected by what we see and here that reality becomes nothing more than just a concept that we can manipulate.

Sometimes it comes to a point where we do stupid things, thinking that it actually would so something or would make even the smallest bit of sense of things. There was this one time that I was so infatuated with a guy when I was still in High School. I still haven’t (or had the strength to) accepted the feelings that I was experiencing, being that I was a late bloomer. So when I was having a hard time understanding my feelings, I tried every way possible to disappear them. I even came to a point that I wrote his name on paper, burned it, soaked it in water and flushed it out of the toilet. Did it work? Well, not really… I’m not very good with mind setting .

The process of getting over someone is a very long and tedious process, and only those who have experienced it (and chose to commit) would really understand.

First step is “The Confirmation of Reality”… wow, such big words (I could enlarge the font if you like). Actually, it’s just you, really trying to document in your head that you should really get over the other person for a number of reasons. Whether its because the guy is a jack-ass, a freeloader, not-in-to-you, a collector*, or just playing the game**. Why is this the first step, you may ask? It’s because in order you to commit to the process of getting over that person, you would need to grasp on a solid concept that you don’t need that person, he’s not in to you or maybe you were just stupid to fall for that person’s trap.

Second step is “The Game Plan”… this, in plain words, is just you deciding on what action you are willing to commit to. Should you confront? Push-away? Enemy-ize***? Pulverize****? or maybe just let go. This is crucial because not taking action will not take you anywhere (wow, that makes sense).

Third step is… Well this really depends on what happens next. Here is where we learn form our mistakes… Charge it to experience… and hopefully be able to redeem points (or ourselves). Here is where we learn that maybe the other person is not the villain that we thought that he/she is. Here is where we really get saved, by no one else but ourselves. The important thing that we should always realize is that life is too short for you to allow another person to make you stupefy***** yourself. Hopefully this helps anyone who has this dilemma… Let’s enjoy life… Let yourself enjoy your life… Because it’s yours to enjoy… Regardless if your single or not…

* – A collector is a guy/girl who is not really THAT in to you… well maybe just a little. He/she thinks you’re pretty… but just pretty enough to hang in his/her closet until he/she feels that he/she wants you around.

** – The game is neither a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just the course of finding or just “tasting” the available fish in the ocean.

*** – Enemy-ize-ing is the process of making yourself hate that person so much… so that you wold forget that you actually liked them. It serves the purpose of letting you not long for that person, but doesn’t really let you get over them. Bitter melon shake anyone?

**** – Pulverizing is the process of slowly trying to diminish any feelings that you have by just removing them from your life. A bit like pushing away, but it is more tedious because you piece-out every small memory that ties you to that person.

***** – Stupefy, just like the spell in the Harry Potter universe, stuns you with the addition of allowing you to do stupid things…Those stupid things? We’ll discuss them on another note… 😉



Posted: January 3, 2011 in Life, Love
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Is it Destiny? or is it just a coincidence? Did God intentionally and purposely place us in certain places so that we can find each other? Or is it just a coincidence that we happened to be living in the same area, at the same time?

Was it Destiny and Fate that brought us together? Or were we meant to be in the first place? And now, we’re finally meeting up in Life. Why now? Why not earlier? Why not later? Why not meet when we were younger? Is there a time and place for everything?

I think so. We may not be able to tell what our future hold for us, but we can decide who we share our lives with, and how long we keep those people in our lives, especially that special someone, your lover. Everyone enjoys the company of friends, people who can give us support, lend a hand, or even a shoulder to cry on. People who will listen to our problems as we vent and spill our sorrows, pain and secrets, and as well as be there for our joy and accomplishments, those are the ones that we value. But the most important person in life we’ll ever meet is: our lover, the person who we care so deeply and dearly about, the only person who can give us what no one else can give. And that is: unconditional love and intimacy. He is the only person who can give us the kind of comfort no one else can, and the kind love like no other. When you see him, when you’re with him, he gives you that feeling of being secured, loved, and wanted. The feeling of being accepted and having someone there for your woes and happiness are irreplaceable. We long for someone to share our joy and sadness, but most of all, we need someone there to love, cuddle, and hold knowing that we are loved. We seek that someone special to hold at night on those cold winter’s night.

Destiny will guide us to find who we’re meant to be with. Like the saying goes: “If it was meant to be, its meant to be.”

I believe in Destiny. Why do two people stay with each other? Because I believe, and they believe that they’re meant for one another. We give our time and effort to that “someone” because we hope that he is “The One”, to share the rest of our lives with. We hope to one day settle down and live life together, and enjoy each others company to the end.

All in all, we as humans need the kind of love only a lover can give. And that’s what keeps us happy and keeps us living each day to the fullest. Without that kind of love, there would be no “us”. What do YOU say?